• The final Europe post (for now?)

    Wow, what a trip! I’m currently writing this two months into our Australia trip (Editor’s note – and posted much later!) but we’re still reeling from the experience and the number of countries we accomplished. This post will be a bit of a summary of stats, graphs and thoughts that don’t really fit anywhere else.…

  • Our holiday after the holiday, before the other holiday.

    Official Honeymoon! A ferry to Santorini. 6:45am boarding. A long ferry but totally worth it. I’ve been dreaming of the Greek islands since I was in London. It is somewhere I never made it to, for a hand full of reasons, but the place I was most sad about missing. And here we were, standing…

  • And then there was Athens

    As mentioned our flight was late and we arrived in Athens at 11:30pm. Amanda did a little skip through the airport at the thought this was her 30th country, but she would have to leave the airport first. But by the time we got in the taxi, who didn’t take card, went to the ATM…

  • Italy – Rome and Venice

    From Switzerland we were excited to take a train trip through the Alps and see all of the beautiful mountains. Unfortunately there were not many mountains through the windows as the train had a nice efficient tunnel under the ground. We arrived at Milan and went out at lunch for Italian pasta. It was okay.…

  • Small but mighty

    Zurich quickly became my favourite place in our Euro adventure. After arriving and catching a tram to our AirBnB we were greeted with a small apartment with everything we needed; especially a bath. There were orchids and a little gift. Secretly hoping for wine it was a lovely smelling candle. But for anyone who has…

  • The next chapter.

    After leaving Edinburgh we caught a train to Sheffield to stay with some long time friends. A stay that was far to short. Visiting Graves Park and out to a local pub for dinner, no time and all the time in the world has past since I saw Richard and Pam last. I do hope…

  • Edinburgh – The old city and the new city

    We spent two nights in Edinburgh, one before hired the van and one when we got back. The first night we spend in the “new” city (still XXX years old, a bit different to Australia’s new), and the second night we stayed in the old city. Even though these nights were not contiguous we decided…

  • Waterfalls, Castles and Coos

    Let me tell ye a wee story about a young lad  an lass who took a journey in a nobel steed around the Scottish countryside. Our story begins in the capital Edinburgh apon a mighty hill. Our wee couple walk down, belongs on their backs to collect Chuck from Wiked Campervans. Ye first drive was…

  • Nottingham, the centre of miniature wargaming

    Another experience I didn’t want to miss was all the miniature wargaming companies in the UK, specifically in Nottingham. We have very few miniature creators in Australia and it’s an opportunity to visit all of the places that design and create the models. There’s a high density of miniature companies in Nottingham because quite a…

  • Who needs a paid tour?

    One of the things I wanted to do when visiting the UK was visit some of the filming sites of Dr who and its spinoff, Torchwood. A primary filming location was Cardiff. There are some paid Dr Who Cardiff tours but unfortunately they only ran on weekends, while we were there on a Friday. So…

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