The Voyage

Isn’t the new Adelaide airport nice!?! A little wait with cute coffee art and muffin and yogurt for Declan while we waited. After we were through international security we sat with a dozen other people. No more people arrived. We boarded the plane and flew in a massive 787 with a handful of people to Melbourne to fill the plane before flying to Doha. We were fed lots- sandwiches which I we would call pies and sausage rolls were a great snack.
17 hours and we arrived in Doha with only a 3 hour stop over. A little bit of exploring and onto a new plane heading to our final destination. Another 7 hours and we made it.
Easiest airport security and boarder control to date. We were on the train into London in less than an hour, including a change of clothes and refresh.
Now what are we going to do in London?

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